Nunziatella spoon for mozzarella - Alessi

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    Alessi Nunziatella spoon for mozzarella
  • $ 26.80 $ 24.66 

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Alessi - Nunziatella spoon for mozzarella

Nunziatella spoon for mozzarella - Alessi

in stock | expected delivery 01 Aug - 05 Aug


A moment of tradition. A moment to elevate the Italian culture and gastronomy of this country.
This spoon and the bowl, of the same collection, are the perfect duo. The spoon and bowl that elevate this delicacy, the mozzarella, for a real tasting moment.

Nunziatella spoon for mozzarella: Italy at the table.

An exquisite Italian product, requires the same accompaniment. And that is why the spoon is a must-have to accompany this gastronomic delight.
With its crude silhouette, almost broken, completely unusual, it comes to complete the bowl.

A perfect pair to taste this  or other delicacy.
With their unique structures, they are undoubtedly original and iconic pieces.

Nunziatella, spoon for Mozzarella, made of stainless steel.

Dishwasher safe!

design Emma Silvestris



Height: 21,5 cm


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