Your satisfaction is our highest priority. We do our best to deliver high quality products, granting an excellance service.
In case you have further questions please, contact us.
Frequent Questions
General Questions?
Exchanges and Returns?
You can exchange your order up to 15 days after the delivery of that same order.
When you return or wish to exchange, the product must be intact, in the original package, along with documents and manuals.
Products that show they have already been used will not be accepted.
Returns will not be accepted without the consent of
Is it possible to send a catalogue?
Unfortunatly, no. We are constantly adding new products to the website, hence, a catalogue would never be updated. is our store and our catalogue.
We work very hard to make it pleasant and functional. However, you can have access to our online platform, and get to know the catalogues of the available brands in our store.
Can I purchase a product that is not found on the site?
Yes. Just click here and you will have access to all catalogues of the brands available in our store; then, send us an email with your request, pointing out the brand and item wanted.
The order is personaly handled by one of our assistants, who will send, by email, all the information needed to proceed with the payment. We do not exchange special or customized products.
Money Issues?
Is there any chance of having the prices in other currencies besides the Euro?
Yes. We enable the viewing of the prices in different currencies: Euros, Dollars, Reais and Pounds (... ), granting a real notion of how much a product is worth in your currency.
The exchange fees correspond to the fees charged on the day you are visiting or purchasing on the site. The value of your purchase is charged in euros by your bank ou by your credit card Co (Visa, MasterCard...).
The exchange fee is updated every day, whereupon, the exact value in your currency depends on the day your purchase is complete.
When is my credit card charged?
As a reinforcement of safety procedures, the credit card charge permit is valid just for 7 days. Inexistência has authorization, up to that date, to charge your credit card..
According to Inexistência's policy, your credit card will only be charged when the order is finally complete. The exception lays in the orders dispatched only after 7 days. In these cases, to avoid a new re-authorization request, Inexistência will process the charge on the 7th day.
Will I have o pay customs fees?
Even though it is not frequent to charge custom fees, they can happen, depending on the current legistaion of each country.
That specific payment is the client's responsibility, and must be payed on the delivery moment, or when the package is picked up.
I have tried to pay in an ATM but the reference is invalid, who shall I proceed?
If you are using home banking, please select "Purchases" instead of "Bills". Normally that is the problem.
If you have further difficulties please contact us.
Discount Codes. How do these work?
The discount code must be typed during the conclusion of your purchase.
Please check if it was indeed validated before the payment.
The assigned discounts cannot be used along with other discounts or promotions. And they fall upon the recommended retail price.
You can only use one discount code per purchase.
If i do not pay my order what happens?
If you don't make the immediate payment of your order, our team reserves the product (in stock) for 48 hours. After 48 hours Inexistência does not guarantee the immediate delivery of the product. After 7 days the order is automatically canceled.
Delivery Issues?
How much are the transportation costs?
The shipping costs are automatically calculated. After adding your item(s) to your shopping bag, choose the delivery address and the shipping fee is automatically displayed. These values vary depending on weight and size of your order.
For orders over 65euros, in Continental Portugal, the shipping fees are free.
Is my order delivered at my address or at the post office?
Orders are usually delivered at the address pointed out in the conclusion of your order. However, in some countries, after a failed delivery attempt, the order is delivered at the post office.
How do I know if my order has been dispatched?
As soon as the package is dispatched, you will receive an email with all information concerning your order, such as number of transport guide and how you can aknowledge its location.
How long does the delivery take?
Our goal is to vouch for a quick and efficient shipping for all our clients worldwide. On the page of each product you can find a reference to the predicted deadline for the item's expedition. If the product is found in stock in our warehouse, it will say "Immediate". Supposing there is no item in stock, the estimated time for shipping is displayed.
Your order will be shipped as soon as all items are found available. If, by any chance, it will take longer than predicted, we will immediately contact you.
After shipping the orders, for you to recieve your order normally it takes:
Portugal Continental: 1 week-day
Madeira: up to 5 week-days
Azores: 7 to 11 week-days
European Community countries: up to 3 week-days
Non-European Community countries: up to 15 week-days
Brazil: 8 to 15 week-days
You can send us an email and we will do our best to keep you updated concerning the transportation status.
Can I moniter and trace my order?
Yes, it is possible. As son as your order is shipped, you will recieve an email with referring the number of the transportation guide and how you can monitor your order's situation.
What if my order arrives damaged?
We do our best to protect and secure every product. Please write, at all times, 'ACCEPT WITH RESERVES'. Just so can we set in motion the transportation insurance.
If a package is clearly damaged when delivered, please open it in the presence of the courier. If any product is found damaged, notify the transportation company immeadiately. Contact us right away and send us photos of the damaged box and products.
Safety Issues?
Is my credit card data in any danger?
None at all. The transmission of credit card data uses SSL technology. This is today's most advanced safety technology, assuring that you credit card number, as well as all of your personal information is not sent online without the proper encription.
Is is statistically proven taht shopping online with a credit card is safer than doing so in a shop or restaurant. Nevertheless, we have other available payment methods.
What is SSL?
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) - the safest technology in order to protect all personal information. The SSL technology protects transactions, by encripting your name, address and credit card number and other informations, so that no one can read them while they travel online.
Do you share your clients emails addresses with third parties?
Our client database is probably our most valuable asset. We never share that information and we do not intend to do so.
I would rather not use my credit card online. How can I pay for my order?
No problem whatsoever. We offer other payment methods:
Portuguese orders: counter-delivery, bank transfer, paypal.
International orders: Credit Card and paypal.
What is your privacy policy?
We gather just the information needed to process your orders. We also keep the email addresses of those who communicate with us. We do not share neither do we sell your email address or other personal informations to third parties. For a complete consult please click in privacy policy.
Gift Voucher
Is it possible to offer a gift voucher at Inexistência?
Yes :)
Just send us your request using our
customer support, informing us the amount you wish to offer and the billing information (name, address, telephone number and VAT number).
After payment confirmation, you wil receive the voucher by e-mail that you can print or forward.
The gift voucher has the minimum value of 10.00 eur.