Tizio ... A german engineering icon with an elegant italian design.
The lamp's head and its counter-weight allow the lamp to have a remarkable stability.
The design and the technical innovation inside the lamp, allow it to have fascinating arm movements
Tizio's head is adjustable independently from the base or body movement, allowing it to point light wherever it is needed.
The dream lamp for every office
Awarded with:
Compasso D'Oro/ADI 1979 - segnalazione - Milan (Italy)
Casamica - per l´acessório 1973 - Milan (Italy)
BIO 9 - Gold Medal 1981 - Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Haus Industrieform 1980 (Germany)
Twentieth Century Design Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York (USA)
Design Collection of the Museum of Modern Art - New York (USA)
Itinerario Storico Permanente - Museo Nazionale della ScienzallaTecnica Leonardo da Vinci - Milan (Italy)
Sezione Design - Civica Galleria d`Arte Moderna - Gallarate (Italy)
Collection " Design since 1945" - Philadelphia Museum of Art - Philadelphia (USA)
Museum Rufino Tamayo - Mexico City (Mexico)
Victoria and Albert Museum - London (United Kingdom)
The Denver Art Museum - Denver Colorado (USA)
The Israel Museum - Jerusalém (Israel)
Msée des Arts Décoratifs de Montreal - Montreal (Canada)
Museo Permanente del Design Italiano 1945-1990 - Triennale di Milano - Milan (Italy)
Brooklin Museum of Art - Nova York (USA)