Maria flor charger plate cosmos - Bordallo Pinheiro

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    Bordallo Pinheiro Maria flor charger plate cosmos
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Bordallo Pinheiro - Maria flor charger plate cosmos

Maria Flor Prato Marcador Cosmos - Bordallo Pinheiro

in stock | expected delivery 20 Jan - 22 Jan
Due to shipping restrictions, this product is not available in United States.

Bordallo Pinheiro


Where is your place? Where is the guests place? Or for your friends and family? 
Always near an enchanted garden.

Mark the places on the table with flowers!

Cosmos is Bordallo Pinheiro's most special charger plate. The mix of many flowers, which together build enchanted spaces, to place the dishes and other table services.
Marking the seat at table will now be more colorful and unique. In addition, the spring energy will always be present.

Cosmos is the missing accessory for a stunning table!

It is in this magic of Bordallo Pinheiro that we get lost - in a good way. A passionate and delicate collection, with soft colors that whisper for elegance and beauty.
Take the flowers for your home and allow yourself to be hypnotized by hand painted pieces that resemble the best that nature has.

Charger plate from the Maria Flor collection in earthenware and hand painted.

Dishwasher and microwave safe.

Bordallo Pinheiro
Height: 11 cm
Width: 37 cm
Depth: 34,5 cm


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