Melon fruit bowl - Bordallo Pinheiro

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    Bordallo Pinheiro Melon fruit bowl
  • $ 43.07 

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Bordallo Pinheiro - Melon fruit bowl

Fruteira 34 - Bordallo Pinheiro

expected delivery 17 Apr - 23 Apr
Due to shipping restrictions, this product is not available in United States.

Bordallo Pinheiro


The queen of all fruits.

Melon fruit bowl: the best place to put your favorite fruits.

For being so bold, irreverent and unique, you can take it to your table and serve after the meal.
The colors are light and fresh, so you can set up a beautiful table with Melon - beautiful and sweet!

A very sweet collection, with a beautiful contrast of colors, that can be for daily use or as an ornament in your home.

Fruit bowl from the Melon collection in earthenware and hand painted.
Dishwasher and microwave safe.

Bordallo Pinheiro
Height: 8,7 cm
Diameter: 34 cm


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