Sunflower leaf - Bordallo Pinheiro

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    Bordallo Pinheiro Sunflower leaf
  • $ 37.32 

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Bordallo Pinheiro - Sunflower leaf

Folhas - folha girassol 42 verde - Bordallo Pinheiro

expected delivery 15 Apr - 17 Apr
Due to shipping restrictions, this product is not available in United States.

Bordallo Pinheiro


We know that the sunflower means happiness, enthusiasm, positive energy. They are grandiose, imposing plants that do not go unnoticed.
The leaves are part of the flowers - which are also long and vigorous. Imagine bringing all this splendor to the table; or decorate with a piece that reveals all the beauty of the sunflower.
This is the Sunflower Leaf , from the Bordallo Pinheiro collection.

To put the fruit, to take to the table, as a decorative piece.

With this super versatile piece, the possibilities are endless.

Sunflower Leaf

In earthenware it can be washed in the dishwasher and used in microwave.

Bordallo Pinheiro
Height: 7,5 cm
Width: 41,5 cm
Depth: 28 cm


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