October matches with pink!

Pink combines with Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro.

This is the month that pink invades streets all over the world that we can see the social media painted with this color,
that we feel that we are all together fighting for the same cause. Breast Cancer prevention, awareness, encouraging
the Health Education is a cause that binds us all. 
The store.inexistencia.com can't be indifferent to such noble actions and, at the same time, so important.


We dive in this pink wave and, therefore, this color is highlighted in our store this month.



It's so easy to be present and so rewarding to be involved in such reputable projects.
So, let’s be pink at store.inexistencia.com 




Teresa Pontes Casa Jardim Decoração
About the author

Teresa Pontes.
Letters are her huge passion and writing is what fascinates her the most. She has understood that decoration can be so charming as the words, so, gathering together the two areas is an amazing challenge, as well as the culmination of a very rewarding adventure. To be involved in a project like store.inexistencia.com and, consequently, with the blog is really overwhelming.