At the most colorful time of the year

in which habits and routines change, as the day goes by and fascinating sunsets appear on the horizon, your house - and its decoration - screams for a change. For positive colors that stimulate energy and creativity, for more relaxed and clean environments; stunning flowers that fill the scenery and welcoming exteriors that invite conversation and sharing.

Time to replace the fireplaces for lamps in the garden, the glass of red wine for the fresh white wine, the warm cup of tea for morning orange juice. The cozy blankets should be kept in boxes and flowers must highlight any division. We still want cozy environments, beyond the house walls - at this season's start, the best place is in gardens and balconies that receive the essence of spring. I

t's time to give a new shine to the environments of each area, with daring colors, fun patterns and singular shapes!
Allow yourself to get into spring mood. Have fun redecorating. Feel your house reborn, like the flowers in the trees. Let your nest be illuminated by the sun, which warm your home...and your heart. 

Let yourself be contaminated by the jovial mood of this season!


Colors and flavours


RosendahlWith the new season the flavours also change. The meals become lighter and, in the presentation, the colors jump in sight. Salads are a priority with fresh juices with exciting flavors. The glass of wine at the end of the afternoon, with friends, is more frequent because the temperatures ask for meetings until the sun goes down.


colors and flavours




Clean decoration

MagisTo match decoration with new trends and with the season spirit it's importantit  to make all areas fresher, young and enjoyable. This is where we say gooddbye to heavy patterns and heavy materials, to welcome accessories that transform rooms, bedrooms and even kitchens and bathrooms.



White is an eternal color that we associate with comfort, tranquility and well-being. On the other hand, it creates the illusion of spaces with greater amplitude and more organized. Of course you've heard the phrase "With black, I never commit myself!"  - but neither with pale nuances. In fact, the only pact that makes is with a perfect decoration to receive the season of flowers. And if you've heard about Greenery - the color of the year chosen by Pantone - you know the importance of connecting with nature, so let the green of the landscape match perfectly with this zesty yellow-green shade on interior. Open the doors and windows: let nature in!

clean and decoration





Cane LineIt is now that we say goodbye to heavy, thick and warm textiles. Goodbye plush blankets and see you next year! Blankets, clothes, jackets or - winter's best friends go to the back of the closet and stop being the protagonists. On the other hand, more colorful, livelier and less warm textiles can be an integral part of the decor, without compromising and warm you in the coldest possible evenings.


Take advantage of this change to also get rid of objects and utensils you no longer need. Generally, we accumulate an endless number of things that, in fact, have already lost their validity of use: either because we do not like it anymore, or because we no longer need it, or for any other reason - but we let it stay in a box in case we neeed it again. You are wrong! This is accumulating non-essential objects and stealing space for so many other things. This change of season is also good to say goodbye to what you no longer need, while you tidy up your winter essentials and expose spring essentials. Have fun with this task too!






NanimarquinaAnd speaking of changes...don't forget the rugs! It is time to dare, to be irreverent and to risk without fear. Your decoration also needs this change and a fresh start: after all, that's exactly what Spring means.



Turn lifeless space into a bright one with intense colors. It's time to be edgy and daring but with elegant and sophisticated alternatives to create a privileged environment. Small notes to dream with your eyes open! The flowers are the finishing touch, for the personification of Spring in your home.






MenuIt's so easy and fun to turn your bathroom into a springtime paradise. With the right decor, the final notes in vibrant tones will make this place unique, original and daring - without losing the sophistication and elegance.



Many are the brands that surprise us with innovative, refined and minimalist design accessories. With bath essences that following these characteristics it will be easier to give life and color, according to each season of the year. With modern and balanced visuals, we have some suggestions so that you can recreate these ideas also in your house:





Inspiring outdoors

BlomusIt's time to replace the fireplaces indoors with lamps in the garden. These small light spots provide comfort, create cozy atmospheres and invite you to long conversations, story-telling, good mood and relaxed atmospheres outdoors.



With soft and elegant shapes it attracts everybody; it's the magic of lighting with lanterns: with contemporary design and some classic interpretations. To complete your garden you can also use outdoor fireplaces - it's a delightful alternative to warm up the cooler spring nights. An inspirational invitation, to be fascinated by the fantasy of lanterns, torches and fireplaces. Extend your late afternoons and allow yourself to dream in special and comfortable atmospheres.

inspiring outdoors