I'm about to get married...and now what?
Now? Your fairytale starts here!

We all know that as you get closer to the wedding day the stress take over the days. There is no time to do all the things that cross your mind.
How do we start planing?
What is the perfect decor?
Lists, lists and more lists...
What is the guests number?
And the best place to sit them?
And the invitations? Modern or traditionally romantic?
Oh, no! Friends don't stop asking about the presents! And there is no time to dedicat a moment to every single friend!
At the time of all the decisions...do not panic!
We promise the best presents without headaches, in a free way and very functional!

1. Create a special log in for this date;
2. Fill up all user details needed to delivery your purchase directly to you: the name of the couple and the address where you want to receive your gifts;
3. Add to your favourite list the products that will be stunning at your home;
4. Then you only need to inform your guests how to sign up: email and password.

Goodbye problems, stress and concerns.
The couple may on a quiet evening in the comfort of the sofa, go to store.inexistencia.com and get inspired to create the best Wedding List .
Start on the right foot!
Along with the wedding, there are also concerns about your first home, do not stress.
We have tips, suggestions and tricks to mak your first home, the house of your dreams.

And you will be happly ever after...!