Six, a soft expression of friendship...
James Irvines, with Six, offers to expand the use of cork and increase the millennial link between this raw-material and wine.
According to the designer, the idea of creating Six came up after having a great meal by the sea, an amazing experience that combined the magnificent portuguese gastronomy, and the tasting of incredible Vintage Port wines.
As James Irvine described:
"At that point, I started thinking that these wonderful bottles needed to be cuddled and carried with the greatest of care. That is how I came up with Six."
Six combines the smoothness of the cork and the simplicity of a strong yet elegant aluminum strap, offering a solution to carry wine or spirit drinks.
Six can be used as an ornament, to collect bottles, as well as to bring wine, in an unique form, to a friendly dinner.
Made of agglomerated cork, Six has the perfect size to adapt six bottles, having the utter advantage of absorbing impact, protecting the bottles and its precious nectars...