Portuguese bird house - SimpleForms

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    SimpleForms Portuguese bird house natural
  • $ 124.42 

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SimpleForms - Portuguese bird house natural

expected delivery 12 Aug - 14 Aug
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    SimpleForms Portuguese bird house dark brown
  • $ 124.42 

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SimpleForms - Portuguese bird house dark brown

expected delivery 12 Aug - 14 Aug


Portuguese - a portuguese  bird houseu!

100% portuguese, this bird house made of cork, will be the centre of attentions not only for birds, but also for anyone who visits them....

Trabsform your garden.... grant it life, grant it colour.

Portuguese is a great invitation for the smaller birds.

The entrance, with a small pedestal, has the right size for the smaller birds, avoiding the entrance of unwanted guests.

The birds houses can be suspended by steel cables or can be fixed on the fllor by a steel support..
Made of cork agglomerate and steel tube.

design Alzira Peixoto e Carlos Mendonça 

Height: 16 cm
Width: 15 cm
Depth: 15 cm


Pet's day
Pet's day
A very special friend, always faithful that deserve all our attention and affection.

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